

James Tripp

Pre Work

Our work will require an editor which can work with TEI XML documents.

If you are in R0.39 on Warwick campus then Oxygen XML is already installed.


  1. Get access to the Oxygen XML editor in some other way. Some academic institutions have an institutional license. Alternatively, the editor can be purchased for a high price (see price list).
  2. Visual Studio code (VSCode) is a technical text editor with TEI support. You can download VSCode for free and, after installation, install the tei-publisher-vscode and Red Hat XML extension. The interface is a bit more intimidating and some more advanced TEI features may not be supported. It should be find for the introductory content in this workshop.

๐Ÿ“… TBC


๐Ÿ R0.39


How do you encode a text in digital form?

Texts are often quite complicated and nuanced. Plain text is not good enough. For instance, how do we include:

  • Locations or places
  • Editorial decisions where text is removed or additions

and, as we encode the text, we may be uncertain about parts.

Files written in XML following the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines allow us to include much more than plain text.

In this workshop we create an encoding of pages from George Orwellโ€™s Political Diary using the TEI Guidelines.


Activity Time (mins)
Introduction 10
Activity 1 30
Activity 2 30
Roundup and session close 5


James Tripp is a Senior Research Software Engineer at the University of Warwick. He has been working at the intersection of research and technology for over 10 years.

Twitter: @jamestripp_ Email: james.tripp@warwick.ac.uk

James Tripp